Faculty News

随时了解韦斯特蒙特学院尊敬的教职员工的最新成就和值得注意的努力. The page showcases their ongoing contributions to academia and beyond.

Scott Anderson (art) illustrated the cover of the December 2023 issue of MAD Magazine. 今年春天,纽约插画家协会在其第66届年度展览中选择了他的前星巴克首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨的肖像,并在该协会位于纽约的美国国家插画博物馆展出. 洛杉矶插画家协会也将其选为第62届年度评委会展览.

Holly Beers (religious studies) 是《ag娱乐官网》的顾问评论家. 她在11月的圣经文学协会年会上发表了两篇论文, “A Biblical


Kristi Lazar Cantrell (chemistry) and her collaborators, including Ethan Walker ’22 and Joshua Jang ’25, published an article, 计算设计的分子调节als相关淀粉样蛋白TDP-43(307-319)聚集,” in ACS Chemical Neuroscience.

David Etterbeek (music) 去年5月在好莱坞露天剧场与安德烈·波切利合作演出,并在秋季担任新西部交响乐团的首席小号. He recently finished recording a new solo work for trumpet, 由当地作曲家约翰·比格斯(John Biggs)创作的《ag娱乐官网》(Four Miniatures for Trumpet Alone),去年秋天在韦斯特蒙特学院的教员独奏会上进行了首演.

Doug Fontes (engineering) presented a paper, “膝上穿戴式电子设备的可持续电磁能量收集”,在新奥尔良举行的2023年国际机械工程大会和博览会上.

Jonathan Hicks (theater arts) 曾担任圣巴巴拉节芭蕾舞团第48次在阿灵顿剧院演出的《ag娱乐官网》的副灯光设计师.

Nathan Huff (art) presented “Forest for the Trees,” his third solo exhibition at Sullivan Goss Gallery in Santa Barbara.

Dan Jensen (engineering), Elijah Cicileo ’24, Jonah Swanson ’24, Josh Wozniak ' 25和Tasha Loh ' 24发表了“一种加权设计矩阵方法来通知数字vs. “物理原型选择”给空军研究实验室的科学家和工程师, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, in September.

Steve Julio (biology) 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的两位合作者获得了NIH为期两年的240美元资助,000 to study the mechanism by which Bordetella, the bacteria that causes whooping cough, persists in the respiratory tract to cause disease.

In collaboration with colleagues in the music department, Ruth Lin (music) 作为第19届一年一度的韦斯特蒙特圣诞节的一部分,他领导了韦斯特蒙特管弦乐团和学院合唱团, which shared the “Fullness of Joy” in two performances to more than 2,200 people at the historic Granada Theatre.

Carolyn Mitten (education) 在2023年梅雷迪思研究员实施会议上发表了ag娱乐官网“支持教师候选人的知识和规则实施”的演讲.

今年8月,她在海岸线基督教学院(岸线基督教学院)的K-12课堂上发表了一篇ag娱乐官网实施数字对话的专业发展课程. Her research article, “Comparing PSTs’ Perceptions of Math and Literacy Methods,,这是加州教师教育委员会2023年冬季通讯的特色.

Steve Porter (Martin Institute) presented “When God Doesn’t Heal: Receiving God’s Formative Grace Through Bodily Pain” at the Holy Spirit Symposium at Biola University; and “Knowing Christ Today: The Shape of Christian Spiritual Formation” and “Internalizing the Love of God: A Theological Psychology of Receiving and Resisting Love” to the Evangelical Theological Society.

Caryn Reeder (religious studies) pub- lished “Women’s Emotion, ag娱乐官网与政治:解读路加福音23:27-31中的眼泪”,发表于《ag娱乐官网》杂志(2023年11月). She presented a paper, “Slavery, Gender and Meals in the Gospel of Luke,” at the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting in November 2023.

Helen Rhee (religious studies) published two book chapters: “Pain in Ancient Medicine and Literature, and Early Christianity: The Paradox of Inshareability and Agency,” in “Disability, Medicine, 早期基督教的治疗话语:健康人文学科的新对话”和“财富”, Poverty and Almsgiving,” in “Cambridge History of Early Christianity.她还参加了圣安东尼奥圣经文学协会的两个小组:“教父研究”, Patristic Wisdom: Challenges and Possibilities,以及一篇ag娱乐官网Zhenya Gurina-Rodriguez的《ag娱乐官网》的书评.”

Sandra Richter (religious studies) pub- lished a book chapter, “Environmental Approaches in Old Testament Studies,” in “The State of Old Testament Studies,” an article, “Economics and Urdeuteronomium: A Response to Kåre Berge, Diana Edelman, Philippe Guillaume, and Benedetta Rossi,” in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 以及菲利普·纪尧姆在《ag娱乐官网》上发表的《ag娱乐官网》的书评. 她在阿斯伯里神学研讨会的“宣讲学者”年度活动中作为嘉宾讲课, 和哈珀·柯林斯一起拍摄了她最新的课程《ag娱乐官网》, 并担任宣教协会在北卡罗莱纳州葛培理静修中心举行的总统静修会的全体演讲人.

Edward Song (philosophy) presented a paper, “Is There an Independent Principle of Fairness,” at the Philosophy, Politics and Economics Annual Conference in New Orleans in November 2023. 他在圣巴巴拉马丁·路德·金基金会发表了上午的主题演讲. Day celebration.

Felicia Song (sociology) 在《ag娱乐官网》ag娱乐官网青少年与数字技术的系列节目中接受了采访.

Guang Song (computer science) and a co-author published an article, 粗粒水:揭示单个蛋白质原子的有效亲疏水性和水中氢的作用,” in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.

Maryke van der Walt (mathematics) 在2023年10月的美国数学协会南加州-内华达分会会议上,以及2024年1月的联合数学会议上,她展示了她ag娱乐官网血糖预测的研究.

Sameer Yadav (religious studies) 在2023年美国宗教学会年度会议上,他在一个ag娱乐官网“非对比超越和上帝的创造力”的小组讨论中发表了讲话, which will be published in a forthcoming issue of Modern Theology. He also offered a plenary lecture, “The Liberative Norm in Christian Theological Knowledge-Seeking,为西雅图太平洋大学宗教认识论和心理学研讨会撰写. 他曾受邀在联合神学院做过ag娱乐官网“约翰神学和基督教悲观主义”的演讲,在马里兰州洛约拉大学做过“悲观主义和邪恶问题”的演讲.