Outstanding Graduates Biology


Theo Patterson

Theo Patterson

Theo Patterson '23 is a student that engages just about every topic with ease and energy. Whether it’s ecological theory, taxonomic diversity, or experimental design, 他每堂课都带着敏锐的求知欲来学习材料, frankness, delight and laughter that are infectious to all around him, peers and professors alike.




Sarah Chan

Sarah Chan '22 not only displayed a diligent work ethic as a student, 但她也是我们系不可缺少的学生工作者, 在我们的生物学导论课程中担任助教,并在我们的许多实验准备中随时愿意协助. 看着Sarah的成长和成熟是一种快乐,我们非常感谢她为我们部门所做的贡献. We will miss her.


Kendra Dayton

Kendra Dayton '21 is a formidable student, 在每个关键时刻都顽强地消除理解的障碍——总是在正确的时间提出正确的问题, and quick to understand the full import of any given study, theory, or knotty theological problem. 她参与的每一次讨论都提高了讨论的水平, and her love for and genuine delight in biology is evident to all. Furthermore, her fine observational skills, attention to detail, 丰富的科学想象力证明了她作为生物学研究者的高水平能力. 在她的专业荣誉项目中,她已经证明自己比研究生水平的工作要好得多, 很明显,她已经准备好在生物学家事业的下一阶段取得成功.


Madeleine Berthoud 

Madeleine (“Maddi”) Berthoud '20 是否在专业和非专业课程中都名列前茅. But three things stand out as going deeper than the numbers. First she pursues and consistently attains excellence, 但驱使他的似乎不是焦虑的野心,而是对这项任务的纯粹热爱,无论是在教室里还是在足球场上. Second, 同时,她也渴望在各个学科领域提出探索性的问题, 同时也可以自由地分享自己的信念,倾听别人的意见. Third, Maddi is a weaver, entangling the threads of her experience – in the classroom, on the soccer field, in ministry – into a fabric of faith-informed service to others. 麦迪已经证明了你不必只做好一件事,她是一个鼓舞人心的学者/运动员的榜样.


Lucia Combrink

At Westmont, Lucia Combrink '19 has co-authored several research projects, 参加了女子越野赛队,并在克拉克大厅担任住宿助理. 她和阿曼达·斯帕克曼教授与爱荷华州立大学和宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究人员合作,共同撰写了一篇论文, 气候对两种同域蛇类先天免疫的当前和滞后影响.他们的研究使用了北加州四个种群中的两种吊带蛇来研究它们是如何适应不断变化的环境条件的, such as drought.

She also co-authored a paper, “Convergence in reduced body size, head size, and blood glucose in three island reptiles,” with Sparkman. “In the field, if there is an elusive animal everyone else has overlooked, she is the one to find it,” Sparkman says.

Combrink, an international student from Malaysia, graduates with bachelor’s degrees in biology and psychology. She conducted research, 研究内隐宗教启动对亲环境行为的影响,” with Brenda Smith, professor of psychology.

“In everything she does, she is cheerful, engaged, generous and faithful,” says Beth Horvath chair of the biology department. “在她的专业荣誉项目中,她已经证明自己完全可以胜任研究生水平的工作, 很明显,研究生院是她职业生涯的下一个阶段.”


Lilly Brummett

Lilly Brummett '18 在威斯蒙特大学时参与了两个不同的研究项目, 研究海峡群岛爬行动物侏儒症的进化,并比较北加州吊带蛇的种群. She worked as a lab assistant for four years, 担任了两年的多民族学生协会主席, and studied in New Zealand with the Creation Care Studies Program. 她计划攻读硕士学位,并最终获得海洋生物学博士学位. “I’ve had so many great experiences at Westmont,” she says. “I hope to continue to do research for as long as I’m able.”


Rachel Black

Rachel Black '17 是否有人的头脑如此清晰,以至于她能把一切——从细胞生理学到进化过程——都带给周围的人更多的关注. 她能够(似乎毫不费力地)清晰地表达别人可能甚至不知道自己在问的问题, getting right to the heart of the matter, and leading her classroom community to deeper understanding. And she does so with a professional, no-nonsense, 和和蔼的态度是迷人的教授和学生一样. 她的教授们可能希望每节课都有她的风度,永远如此! 但我们也很高兴让她去寻找新的ag娱乐官网来激励. Rachel is at home in theoretical, empirical, 以及探究的伦理世界,让我们相信她会在她选择的任何领域脱颖而出并蓬勃发展.


Aaron Wilk

Aaron Wilk’s ('16) 在他转行从事医学和科学工作之后,他对生物系的影响还会持续很长时间. 他赋予了我们最高水平的智力和生产力, 以及对跨越多个探究领域的生物学的传染性热情. 他可以用研究该学科多年的人的老练来谈论生物机制的复杂性, while collecting, analyzing, 并以类似的学术能力和热情为他的主要荣誉项目报告原始数据. Stanford University is about to welcome a M.D./Ph.D. student of uncommon talent and promise, 但他也是一个谦逊慷慨的人,他邀请周围的人享受科学, and music, and kiteboarding, and life, as much as he does.


Olga Lane

The Biology Department is pleased to honor Olga Lane '15 with the Outstanding Senior Award. 奥尔加不仅接受了生物学家的训练,而且精力充沛,凸显了她的学术才能, 但她这样做是带着一种有感染力的快乐,激励着她的同龄人和教授. 从在课堂上发表有见地的评论,到在系里担任助教和实验室助手, Olga’s contributions have made the Biology Department a more rigorous, yet inviting and fun, place to learn. 我们庆祝奥尔加杰出的学术成就,这将有助于她追求医学事业. As importantly, 我们感谢她对我们系的持久影响,她将成为其他人欣然接受生物学学科的榜样.  


Ben West

Ben West '15 has been a delight to have in the Biology department. 他的工作始终是最高水准的:彻底,详细,逻辑呈现. 他善于理解复杂的材料,并能巧妙地创造性地利用资源解决问题. While he will not be the most talkative student in a discussion, his contributions are weighty and insightful, always getting to the heart of the matter. Whether in lecture, the laboratory, or out in the field catching snakes, Ben is a valuable, hardworking team member. To match his keen intellect, Ben also has a deep love of God and true heart of a servant, reaching out to those in need both locally and internationally. 他将代表韦斯特蒙特,因为他将在8月份去医学院!