优秀的毕业生 计算机科学




乔希·克罗斯,23岁 is an outstanding member of the Westmont community and an individual of remarkable talent, 情报, 和奉献精神. He consistently demonstrates resilience and resolve in his computer science coursework in the face of an ever changing technical landscape. His work as a teacher’s assistant for several semesters has been critical to our community of learners.




塔里亚Bjelland '22 is a multi-faceted student with a wide variety of interests and a drive to excel in all of them.  She has tutored her peers in the finer points of programming, 通过CATlab项目为Westmont公司开发软件, 并在百思买实习过. She has leveraged her Spanish minor in tutoring Spanish-speaking individuals with Down Syndrome in Mexico. 她是我们系和学校的福星.



Those who have grown up around rivers understand the saying “Still waters run deep.“急流很浅,很吵,但就像 特雷弗·柯比,21岁深弯是安静的. 他是个聪明人。, 有思想,全面发展的学生, 然而,他的主导姿态是思考真理. It is disarming when he then writes insightful commentary and powerful software because in those moments he loses his inhibitions and the urgency of clarity and analysis takes over. These exchanges are energizing to his collaborators and reflect a sharp mind. 具有讽刺意味的是, 除了他的学术追求, 他是个出色的歌手, an area in which being quiet tends to be disadvantageous.



坦纳·莱斯利,20岁 is an intellectual explorer and has approached his Westmont education from that unique perspective. 作为一个优秀的学生, his peers know that he can build a web Search engine and can analyze the mathematical efficiency of data structures. His faculty are confident that he can think and write well about the social impacts of the digital world and the technical underpinnings that enforce those relationships. 但他对朋友也很有同情心, as a tutor, RA, and as an encouraging presence. He dabbles in art and archery, speaks German and occasionally dances hip-hop. He has blazed a path that made the most of the talents with which God has graced him.



凯尔·汉森,19岁, who will attend UC Santa Barbara this fall to earn a doctorate in mathematics, 是数学和计算机科学双学位吗.

“He approaches computer science in a uniquely Westmont way,唐·帕特森说, 计算机科学教授. “He knows the technical details of manipulating bits on the processor, he can uncover the abstract efficiency of different data structures from a mathematical perspective, and he writes well about the social impacts of the digital world. 但他对朋友也很有同情心, 他是否在组织春天之歌, 鼓励他的宿舍, or writing an app for organizing potlucks in the Global 领导 Center.”

Hansen presented reSearch in the field of complex analysis last January at the Joint Mathematics Meetings conference in Baltimore.

他的才华与他的谦虚相匹配, as he will downplay the tremendous help he has been to our department (as a grader, and helping with our mathematics contest) and Westmont (as a choir member, 和以马忤斯路参与者),拉斯·豪厄尔说, 数学教授.



奥斯汀Zuidema '17 has been chosen to receive the 计算机科学 Senior Award because of a track record of excellent work. 例如, 在他和克内特教授的研究中, he collected database donations to political campaigns in an effort to tease apart the relationship between money and political outcomes at different regional levels. Perhaps inspired by some of the issues that this work raised, in his senior project he examined a classic theoretical problem called the prisoner's dilemma and formulated a reSearch project in which several people playing this mathematical game would be placed in competition with one another. His question centered on trying to identify social and game mechanic structures in which cooperation could be encouraged despite the tendency for the game to result in breaches of trust.



狄龙·蒙塔格,16岁金·P. Kihlstrom Outstanding Graduate for 2016: In two short years, 狄龙孟泰格 has made a significant mark on our CS program. As a transfer double major in Mathematics and 计算机科学, he arrived having already completed most of a mathematics major but not having started the CS curriculum. 狄龙飞快地上完计算机科学课, not only excelling in each but consistently raising the level of the entire class. He explains problems and solutions both clearly and concisely, 并准确地辨别出困惑所在. These qualities will serve him extremely well if in the future he chooses to return to graduate school and academia. 但首先, Dillon will be serving a government agency with a three-letter name where we are confident he will be a sorely needed source of intellectual light and moral salt.



In addition to excelling in his computer science classes and mastering every programming language he encounters, 丹尼尔·哈基米安15岁 exemplifies the best qualities of a liberally educated Christian. He has obtained a perspective on learning and life that is complimentary to his computer science training by stretching himself in classes outside his comfort zone, 作为志愿者在韦斯特蒙特花园为同龄人服务, and wrestling with the philosophy of technology and how technologies are both helping and hindering us in God's work. Daniel has been a faithful and engaged participant in the life of the computer science program, regularly attending department dinners and helping his peers with grace.