优秀的毕业生 运动机能学




怜悯肯, 23岁 是一个兴趣广泛的优秀学生吗. 她对知识的渴望令人难以置信, but with a deeper desire to find ways to materially and systematically manifest the love of Christ to all. 在她在韦斯特蒙特的那段时间里, 梅西在系里和韦斯特蒙投入了大量资金, 不再是解剖学的助教了, 一个研究助理, 王国原因研究所的实习生, 成为全球和国际学生协会的共同领导人.




我们的荣誉 卡莉·金斯利,22岁 感谢她鼓舞人心的体贴, 自然奇观, 对物理学和人体的结合有着深刻的见解.  在她的研究中, 她收集的数据很精确, 在她的互动中和善, 在数据分析过程中也是一种乐趣.  她的自律和奉献精神令人印象深刻. 她真是这门手艺的大师.



杰西·夸伦,21岁 has demonstrated incredible passion, commitment to learning, and service oriented priorities. 在课堂上,他优异的学习成绩和兴奋的情绪是有感染力的. 他欣然接受参与具有挑战性的新课题的机会, 包括与他人合作为专业期刊撰写稿件. 教室外, 杰西优先在康复中心服务, 特别是在儿科物理治疗领域. We wish Jesse God’s best on his next step of enrolling in a doctorate of physical therapy program in Oregon!


运动机能系很高兴认识到 珍妮特·谢伊, 21岁 for her exemplary efforts and achievements inside the classroom as well as within the community-at-large. She has a remarkable thirst for growth and wisdom that is beautifully paired with an authentic concern for the welfare of people. During her time at Westmont she has courageously moved past her comfort zone and has blossomed into an effective and compassionate servant leader. This journey has not only allowed her to powerfully impact fellow students on campus via her tutoring and Resident Assistant positions but also many underserved communities in her volunteer and internship compacities. Her sincere desire to be an agent of change and care within the healthcare industry will be great assets as she endeavors to pursue the Physician Assistant profession.


Sten Kajitani

运动机能系致敬 Sten Kajitani, 20岁 2020年佩格·洛维克奖得主. Sten is thoughtful, hard-working and possesses attributes that will make a fine physician. He is caring and friendly; and in the classroom has a knack for helping other students achieve their best, 让教授和其他学生都能享受课堂. Perhaps Sten’s multiple positive attributes were best on display as a summer reSearch assistant where he was described by his faculty supervisor as “the glue that made the reSearch come together where he combined his love for science and people.



麦迪逊·切里19 earned the Peg Lovik Nicholas Senior Award for the outstanding graduate in the 运动机能学 department 表彰她出色的学术工作和在校内外的志愿者工作.  “Madison demonstrates great perseverance and her work ethic complements her intellect,格雷格·阿夫曼说, 运动机能学系主任. “她是一个非常关心别人的可爱的年轻女人. 没有例外, she sets a very high standard of excellence in everything she does.  她用她的努力和仆人的心祝福了许多人.”

她的影响力也延伸到了美国以外, 在乌干达一个学期期间提供保健服务. “The best part of my four years at Westmont was the people I met on campus and abroad,她说。. “教授们鼓励我,关心我. They believed not only in my ability to excel in courses but also take what I learned in courses into the real world.”

Cherry希望成为一名职业治疗师,今年秋天她将在A.T. 位于亚利桑那州梅萨的斯蒂尔大学骨科医学院. “我想成为这个不断发展的领域的一部分,增加独立性, 因此,自我效能和社会包容, 弱势群体中的个体,她说。. “I hope that pursing a doctorate that focuses on public health will enable me to eventually take my profession beyond the clinic and into communities so that I can gain a more holistic picture through the social contexts of the individuals I work with. Westmont introduced me to this field and I’m so grateful that I can combine my love of the human body and passion for social justice that the kinesiology department instilled in me since freshman year.”



埃利·希尔,18岁, a quiet and contemplative thinker, was determined to make the most of her time at Westmont. 她在林田物理治疗中心担任助理, a reSearch assistant at AKI/Variant Labs and as a fitness intern at the Samarkand Retirement Community. 她进行了ag娱乐官网“The LEVEL®对耗氧量的影响”的研究,” and presented the findings at the America College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Southwest Chapter’s annual meeting in Long Beach. “My professors have taken such a personal interest in my learning and have been a huge influence on what I want to do in my future,她说。. 希尔正在申请研究生院, taking physics and Graduate Record Examinations this summer to pursue a career in physical therapy.



阿曼达·塞尔的(2017年) 教授们形容她是一个善于思考、好学的人, often raising questions and issues in classes that stretch both professors and students. 她的一生表明了她忠实地与基督同行, 包括对精神纪律的坚定承诺. She was profoundly affected by her experience on the Westmont in Mexico program and has used this newly discovered awareness of cultural differences in her vocational pursuits. She has spent time this spring as an Education and Community Outreach intern at the Diabetes Center, 在这个中心开设了一门ag娱乐官网通过锻炼控制II型糖尿病的课程. 毫无疑问,她的未来将以某种方式包含她对文化差异的热爱, 健康和福利, 和教育. The 运动机能学 Department is proud to present Amanda with the Senior Peg Lovik Nicholas award.



钱德勒·纳希吉安(2016年) 教授们说他很有思想, 创新, 安静地有效, 杰出的作家和演说家, 也是一个多才多艺的知识分子. 他一直是班上的尖子生. He is the first to arrive and the last to leave, often encouraging others along the way. 他是一个有ag娱乐官网的人,认识到荣耀基督的关系的价值. 在圣巴巴拉阿尔法资源和山边之家做志愿者的时间, 以及在海地和亚美尼亚的商业和医疗保健经验, 帮助他更广泛地思考自己的职业. He aspires to earn both a Masters in Prosthetics and Orthotics as well as complete a Juris Doctor/Masters in Business Administration (JD/MBA). The 运动机能学 Department is proud to present Chandler with the senior 运动机能学 Lovik award.


汉娜·普拉特,16岁 对她的教育始终表现出深思熟虑的态度, 正是我们系所珍视的那种学生. 她是一位杰出的作家和演说家. Her professors describe her as humble about her abilities yet committed to a very high standard of excellence. 她的一生展现了与基督的忠诚同行,以感恩为标志. Her sharp mind and interest in special populations will no doubt lead her to either the allied health fields as an occupational therapist or a fitness trainer for older adults. 她充满活力的ag娱乐官网, academic excellence and desire to bring holistic care to special populations make her an excellent recipient for the senior 运动机能学 Lovik award.



运动机能系致敬 海蒂·沃尔伯格,15岁 表彰她出色的学术工作和在校内外的志愿者工作. 她的职业道德与她的才智相得益彰. 没有例外, 她在每个班级都设立了非常高的优秀标准, 通常远远超出了要求的工作. Santa Barbara has been blessed with her efforts in working with kids with disabilities. 她的影响力已经延伸到美国以外, 在墨西哥和玻利维亚提供保健服务. 她充满活力的ag娱乐官网, 富有同情心和爱心, work ethic and academic accomplishments will serve her well as she pursues the profession of physician assistant.