优秀的毕业生 数学




艾萨克·杰索普23岁 在数学系是一种快乐吗. 他对待每件事都一丝不苟,深思熟虑, 他毫无例外地创作了优秀的作品. 在韦斯特蒙特大学期间, Isaac has shown exceptional growth in his mathematical communication 和 problem-solving skills; his presentations are expertly designed, 和 there are few problems which are able to withst和 Isaac’s analytical prowess.




凭借他温暖、温柔的天性和坚定的风度, 韦斯利·布朗 '22 is one of those people who brings peace 和 harmony to the projects he’s involved in — 和 as a double-major in 数学 和 English 和 Editor-in-Chief of The Horizon for the past year, 他真的祝福了整个韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网. 韦斯利在课堂上是一个真正的团队合作者和激励者. He is a self-starter who is quick to grasp new concepts 和 eager to learn new skills.



温斯顿·吉21 在数学系是一个令人振奋的存在. 他工作谨慎而精确, 和 has a sharp eye for fine details as well as discerning connections between different mathematical concepts. These are gifts that help Winston excel in his mathematics classes. But Winston has also been blessed with other gifts: he is thoughtful 和 mature; he has a generous 和 collaborative spirit; he builds community around him by gently drawing classmates into class discussions; 和 he underst和s how to lead through humility. He has a living faith 和 a remarkable ability to recognize how God reveals Himself through mathematics. 能分享他的恩赐是多么幸福啊.



汉娜·菲斯克,20岁 is one of those students whose presence makes class interactions more pleasant 和 enjoyable for all­-professors included! 她带来了体贴, 创造力, 精力充沛,讨论时态度积极, 而且她的性格很活泼, 极好的幽默感和快乐的态度. Hannah has also been an exemplary model of servant leadership: she has been a very capable 和 dependable teaching assistant for Calculus 和 Fundamentals of 数学 classes; she is serving in student government as a Global 领导 Center Senator, 她是天主教和朋友纽曼俱乐部的主席. As a major in both mathematics 和 philosophy she models a true lover of learning, 在这两门课上都做得很好.



Three students won the Outst和ing Graduate Award in mathematics, all earning 4.大学期间的平均绩点为0. 马修·科夫曼,纳泰利·克里普, 凯尔·汉森, 谁还获得了计算机科学奖, 是否个人才华横溢,合作良好, 根据他们的教授.

带给人, 谁喜欢抽象思维和解决问题, 会留在圣巴巴拉,成为一名软件工程师吗. “Matthew’s work is meticulously accurate,” says Russell Howell, chair of the mathematics department. “He has a natural eye for the subtleties of mathematical arguments, 和 has a knack for asking a question that provides the perfect segue into the next point that a teacher wants to make.”

克里普庆祝了她的21岁生日st birthday while on Westmont in Jerusalem hiking the Jesus Trail from Nazareth to Capernaum. “Not only did that trip challenge 和 deepen my faith 和 bring the Bible to life, but it also instilled in me a love for adventure 和 new experiences,她说。.

Her professors say she combines a quiet, unassuming smile with a sharp mind. “The combination of insight 和 intellectual honesty that she displays is uncommon,” Howell says. “She will own the gaps in her proofs rather than hoping they will go unnoticed.”

她的正直与她对服务的热情完美地结合在一起, 比如在食品银行工作, 或者帮助各种校园活动.

她的祖父母和父亲都毕业于韦斯特蒙特大学. “It’s special to be able to follow in their footsteps,她说。. “I’m really thankful for the long-lasting friendships I’ve made here, 和 I’m looking forward to a life of learning 和 other adventures.”

She continues to work as finance coordinator at the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County, 她过去两年在哪里服役, 同时在中央海岸从事其他金融工作.



大卫·凯尔18岁, whose reSearch on trinomials has been published in the journal Involve, 希望成为一名统计顾问, 解释来自大量数据的结果. “Consultants work in a variety of fields so I look forward to living the liberal arts dream by learning about medicine, 生物学, 政府的政策, 等. 而我则帮助他们处理数据,”他说. David热衷于负责任地处理数据. “The big data phenomenon affects more 和 more of our lives,” he says. “I hope to harness statistical methods 和 data analytics to better society 和 to restrain processes when they contribute to injustice.大卫也在韦斯特蒙特遇见了他的妻子艾米丽. “This has been a great place for me to wrestle with meaningful questions about my faith, 数学与世界. What really makes the college experience worthwhile is the opportunity to gain from other’s perspectives as I have gained from Emily’s.”



奥利维亚·休斯17岁 is a dedicated student who works diligently to underst和 complex ideas.  她以成熟而老练的态度参与讨论, 倾听和观察她周围的人.  她听同学们的解释. She pays attention to what they underst和 和 to what confuses them.  She engages in conversation gracefully with the aim of collaborating with others to get at the truth. 细心、有创造力的学者,工作一丝不苟, 奥利维亚在课堂上是个和蔼可亲的参与者, 不是在炫耀她的学识, 但是对活泼, 有益的讨论.  Olivia has brought to Westmont a sincere desire to make the most of her education.  她不仅仅满足了要求, but has looked for courses 和 programs that would challenge her, 给她冒险和冒险的机会.



拉塞尔·哈明,16岁 在挑战中茁壮成长. Difficult 和 unfamiliar problems energize him, 和 his talent, tenacity, 和 work ethic usually win. 即使是在课程结束时, 他的成绩稳居全班第一, 他将顽强地攻克期末考试的最后三分, just as he would dive for a foul pop-up in the late innings of a game with a ten-run lead. 他具有敏锐的洞察力和数学创造力, 与此同时, 他很安静, 亲切的, 和谦虚. He is generous 和 kind when helping his fellow mathematics majors, 谁总是惊讶于他的运动能力. 目前在华盛顿国民队的农场系统, 他把多余的精力用来准备研究生工作, 那里等待着光明的未来.



纳撒尼尔·泰勒,15岁 有感染力的微笑. The probability of observing this smile increases when Nathaniel is doing mathematics. 令他的教授们高兴的是, he enjoys being challenged; give him an unfamiliar 和 open-ended problem 和 he will gleefully attack it, often expressing technical 创造力 in the construction of his arguments. Classes seem to function at a higher level when Nathaniel is in them, probably because his work ethic 和 winsome personality inspire his peers to do better. The department is grateful for this young man of many talents: a double major in mathematics 和 physics, 学生研究员, 熟练的工人和仆人, 天生的领导者. We pray that he would use his many gifts to serve others as a steward of God’s manifold grace (I Peter 4:10).