Student Financial Services Student Financial Services

Welcome to Student Financial Services. 我们的办公室负责处理所有的学费, room, board, miscellaneous fees and financial aid.



You can pay online using the Make a Payment button


Contacting us:

The preferred method of communication is by email. We will respond to your email inquiries sent  to 或者,您也可以在(888)963-4624留下语音信息. 在任何情况下,我们都会尽力及时回复您. 如果你想和学生金融服务顾问见面, please email us to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 我们希望你在这段时间保持安全和健康. 

Getting Started

1. If you plan to request any type of financial aid, 提交FAFSA,并向学生金融服务部门提供所有必要的文件.
2. 转到估计学期最低初始付款到期页面来计划您的付款.
3. Make payments on schedule. 您可以在我们的支付网站上注册自动票据交换所(ACH)电子资金转账.

Student Account Management

学生有责任管理他们的网上帐户,以确保在到期日之前支付适当的款项. 帐户费用和所需付款信息将经常更新,并可随时在线查看. 您的学生必须在此以授权用户的身份在“管理访问”下授予您访问权限 Student Accounts Login. Students, and their authorized user, 是否会收到每月查看学生账户的邮件提醒.

Financial Aid

在6月1日之前完成并将所有经济援助表格和文件寄回学生金融服务中心, 2022, 确保你在学生账户上的信息准确和最新. 在等待经济援助文件时,不要改变你所要求的最低还款额.
确保高质量的服务并及时将经济援助转移到您的学生账户, 请将您的经济援助问题直接咨询学生财务服务, 888-963-4624 or

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Kerrwood Hall, First Floor

Mailing Address:
Westmont College
Student Financial Services
955 La Paz Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Your student account bill is available online.

Spring Semester Payment Information

  • 付款截止日期为12月15日,无论您是全额付款还是三次付款中的第一次付款. 如果我们在此日期之后收到最低付款,您必须支付150美元的滞纳金.
  • If you do not pay in full by December 15, 您将自动加入支付计划,并支付45美元的费用. 这些款项需要在12月15日,1月15日和2月15日支付.
  • 威斯蒙特学院行政办公室将于12月23日圣诞节放假, 2022 to January 2, 2023. 在此期间收到的学生账户付款将于2023年1月3日发布.

Finance Charges

  • 除了每学期45美元的支付计划费之外, 金融收费的最低利率是每年百分之十, 是否会在每月月底以当月开始的结余未支付部分为基础进行评估. 财务费用将适用,即使您按时支付所需的付款计划付款.

Student Account Management

学生有责任管理他们的网上帐户,以确保在到期日之前支付适当的款项. 帐户费用和所需付款信息将经常更新,并可随时在线查看. 您的学生必须在此以授权用户的身份在“管理访问”下授予您访问权限 Student Accounts Login. Students, and their authorized user, 是否会收到每月查看学生账户的邮件提醒.

  • 帐户和所需的付款信息将可用 online 并且经常更新,可以随时在线查看.
  • 经济援助和学生费用可能会有所变化, 任何变化都将导致对所需每月付款的适当修改. You may modify scheduled online ACH payment amounts prior to the payment date.

Financial Aid

  • 直到开学第一天,所有的助学金都会显示为 “Pending.” 私人教育贷款和外部来源的奖学金在我们收到之前不会显示出来.
  • If you have financial aid questions contact or call 888-963-4624.

For More Information

  • 如果您有学生金融服务方面的问题,请联系 or call 888-963-4624.
  • 如果您有住房,膳食计划和停车许可的问题,请联系住房办公室 or  805-565-6036.
  • 如果您有停车证问题,请联系校园安全

Can I access my account online?
To access current account balance information, and answers to other frequently asked questions, please go to

How can parents receive billing emails?

How do I get a receipt for my online payment?
send you an email with a payment confirmation. That payment
the next business day.

电子转账(ACH)可在我们网页的链接部分以及网络服务页面上获得. In order to credit the student on the same day, 电子转账申请必须在下午6点前到达商务办公室, Pacific Time.
Westmont College also accepts cash, money orders, 支票或电汇支付学生账户.

Do you accept Credit Card payments?

receive a full refund?

If you cancel your enrollment before 9 a.m. on the first day

How do I avoid finance charges?
财务费用每月根据未支付的学生账户余额进行评估. 每月全额支付余额可以避免财务费用的评估.

How do I send a payment by wire?
Bank Name and Address: Bank of the West 
300 South Grand Ave. 13th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Beneficiary Name: Westmont College
PLEASE REFERENCE: Student name and ID number
After you wire the money, please inform Student Account of the student ID, amount and name of your bank by email or phone.

How can I get cash on campus?

Why do I have to pay a Health Fee?
The health fee partially defrays the cost of, 并允许学生获得韦斯特蒙特学生健康中心医疗团队提供的服务. 学生健康中心是一个提供全面服务的初级保健诊所, providing care to students who are injured or ill.

August 15 - Pay in full or pay first fall semester payment

September 15 - Pay second fall semester plan payment

October 15 - Pay third fall semester plan payment

October 31 - Pay remaining fall semester balance

December 15 - Pay in full or first spring semester payment

January 15 - Pay second spring semester plan payment

February 15 - Pay third spring semester plan payment

March 31 - Pay remaining spring semester balance