Magazine Fall 2023 Sustaining Our MOMENTUM at Westmont

Gayle Beebe Fall Magazine 2023

Now in our 17th year, my wife, Pam, 我非常感激上帝在很多方面对韦斯特蒙的忠诚, 尤其是我们在秋季学期取得的成功. Our incoming class has been amazing, 对韦斯特蒙特的一切都表现出明显的活力和兴趣. 我们很幸运地欢迎他们来我们家,享受社会再次开放的氛围. 看到所有这些都是通过学院的工作来完成的,这鼓励了我们.

我们继续在重要战略战线上取得重大进展, 包括最新的消息,我们的护理项目已经获得了全面的认证! 在创纪录的时间内完成这项工作,充分反映了所有在启动该计划并使其获得全面认可方面发挥关键作用的人, including Associate Provost Eileen McQuade, nursing directors Carol Velas and Di Hoffman, nursing consultant Steve Fellows, our strategic planning adviser Tim Fallon, vice presidents Irene Neller (enrollment, 营销和传播)和里德·谢尔德(首席信息官和大学晋升), the entire Nursing Task Force Committee (Carol Velas, finance vice president Doug Jones, Tim Fallon, Irene Neller, donor relations director Nathan Snyder, campus planning director Randy Jones, Steven Fellows, Eileen McQuade, Reed Sheard, executive assistant Addie Smith, and professors Rick Ifland, Cynthia Toms and Kristi Lazar Cantrell), key personnel at Cottage Hospital including CEO Ron Werft, and so many more.

We continue to benefit from other new programs, including data analytics, 工程学和神学领导学士学位证书. We’re expanding efforts in many areas, including our athletic program, 学者和学生生活办公室之间的持续合作关系, enrollment, marketing and communications, finances, resource acquisition, internal and external relations, and technology. Simultaneously, we’ve felt some real challenges.


Best Colleges U.S. News Rankings
We’re ranked No. 107 in the U.S. News & World Report, and the No. 加州和美国西部的一所基督教文理学院.S.  
  Fundraising in the 2023 fiscal year totaled $26,734,966. 在本财政年度的前五个月,捐赠额已超过2200万美元, including two seven-figure gifts ($5 million and $2 million), Westmont Downtown | 29 W的凯斯中心(Keith Center. Anapamu Street (see page 46).
Westmont Downtown Campus
  学术和学生生活继续在关键举措上有效合作, 包括我们的学生成功中心正在进行的工作,以及参与各种重要对话的前沿话题.  
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  我们已经开始整修马丁研究所(拉巴斯路909号), the tennis complex, the aquatic center, the baseball stadium, the golf practice facility, the Dining Commons, and Westmont Downtown | Keith Center. All these projects will enhance our academic, 学生生活和运动方面的努力,并帮助我们开发新的项目, opportunities and experiences.
Make it Yours NCAA DII Logo
As we transition to NCAA Division II, 我们面临着更加严峻的竞争,这需要毅力和耐心. 要完全融入我们新的会议和竞争水平需要四年的时间(见第32页).  
  我们的战略规划继续指导我们与学院工作的整体参与. This fall, 蒂姆•法伦在与我们的10个期望结果的对话中指导我们制定新的战略地图.  
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  On the personal front, my new book, 《ag娱乐官网》(第四出版社), will be released in early May.
  Finally, 教堂之窗项目给了我和帕姆一个与沃斯库尔家族重新联系的绝佳机会, including Roger Voskuyl’s three surviving children. 在学校接待这个家庭,看到他们回到韦斯特蒙的喜悦,这是非常有意义的(见第27页)。.  
  学院各部门的活动正逐渐恢复到大流行前的水平. A few of the highlights include the Christmas Festival at the Granada (December 2-3); the President’s Breakfast on March 1, 2024, with Richard Haass, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations; Parents Weekend, including Spring Sing at the Santa Barbara Bowl on April 6; and Lead Where You Stand, featuring David Brooks, June 6-8, 2024.  

I believe our vision always has to exceed the inconvenience, 我们需要保持必要的积极参与水平,以产生实时结果,实现持久的成功. 当我反思高估我们一年能完成的事情,低估我们十年能完成的事情的倾向时,我想起了我们为大学所怀有的神圣抱负. 我们鼓励我们ag娱乐官网的每一个成员都有抱负,拥抱追求下一个地平线的愿望. As I move deeper into my 17th year as president, 我对所有美好的未来保持乐观和希望,感谢上帝的存在和我们大学ag娱乐官网中这么多人的广泛支持. 愿我们对神要我们成就的异象,总是超越我们日常工作的不便.

Blessings and thanks,

Signature of Westmont President Gayle Beebe




Gayle D. Beebe