快速帮助指南 饮食失调


对食物、体重、体型、锻炼或卡路里的关注劫持了你的日常生活. ag娱乐官网食物的想法, 卡路里, 你的身体形象开始干扰你的身份, 自我形象, 的关系, 家庭作业, ag娱乐官网, extra-curricular activities, 与神的关系, and ability to be fully present and engaged in life.


Many eating disorders begin as dieting behavior. 饮食失调可能会危及生命,如果在早期发现,则更容易治疗. The longer these thoughts and behaviors stay in place, the more difficult they are to address and change.


First, honestly evaluate your "relationship" with food:

  1. You begin to develop “food rules” that are rigid. Some examples include: never eating 脂肪, sugar, carbs, etc.在吃了“禁止”的食物/食物组后变得痛苦,持续计算卡路里.
  2. 对你刚刚吃过的、将要吃的或做的食物的想法会让你分心.
  3. 体重波动(或体重增加的想法)引起焦虑/恐慌.
  4. You begin to eat in secret, or experience a sense of shame around food.
  5. Food is a ‘go-to’ in order to manage emotions.
  6. 你养成了潜在的有问题的运动行为和/或对运动的反应.
  7. 朋友或家人对你的饮食/运动行为表示担忧, and that concern makes you feel angry or frustrated.
  8. 你会呕吐, 泻药, 或者为了燃烧卡路里或“摆脱”你对摄入的卡路里感到内疚的极端运动养生法.


  1. 允许所有食物—— Give yourself unconditional permission to enjoy all foods. Begin this process as an experiment of 1 food at a time, recommended to eat with a friend or loved one for support. 
  2. Work to ensure adequate nourishment from food – Even on the days when the voices telling you to 休息rict are loud, ensure you are getting enough nutrition to maintain your health.
  3. 〇多样化 Try to maintain a balanced plate of carbohydrates, 蛋白质, 脂肪, 每天三顿主餐的纤维通常是大多数人推荐的. 这不仅能让你感觉良好,还能为你的身体提供茁壮成长所需的所有维生素和矿物质.
  4. Recognize and honor your hunger -定期给自己充足的营养可以让你的身体新陈代谢正常工作! 白天限制饮食已被证明可以降低新陈代谢率.
  5. 感受你的圆满 -这可能很有挑战性! 你可能直到吃得太饱才意识到有必要停止进食(这很常见)。. 从现在开始,试着去感受“饱”的感觉,而不是过度填充.
  6. 鼓励满意度 -当你允许自己吃你真正想吃的东西时,你会感到更加满足. Honor your taste preferences and notice how they play into satiety.
  7. 调动你所有的感官 – When we eat with our senses (sight, smell, touch, and taste!!),我们就越能感受到饱腹感和满足感,从而不太可能无意识地暴饮暴食.
  8. 练习身体意识 每天花几次时间来检查一下你身体的感觉. Think of them as guideposts. 允许不带评判的觉知,简单地注意到你身体里正在发生的事情.
  9. 练习正念 – Recognize that you do not need to attach to every thought. If an unwanted thought arises, imagine letting it go.
  10. 培养承受痛苦的能力 – Learn that your are strong enough to tolerate feeling your feelings. 你可以培养在不舒服的情况下坐下来的能力,而不必依靠消极的应对机制来度过难关.
  11. 创建匝道 – In the development of learning to tolerate distress, sometimes we need to employ healthy coping mechanisms to get us through. 开始尝试可以帮助你处理困难情况或情绪的方法, so you do not need to engage with eating disordered behaviors.
  12. Connect with your body in joyful, purposeful way -练习瑜伽,涂上一种香味浓郁的乳液,跳舞,按摩等等.
  13. 移动你的身体 – Whether you enjoy a walk in the woods or an intense spin class, 给自己机会在运动中感受内啡肽的积累.
  14. 实践自我保健 – Self care is primary care. Sprinkle in opportunities to connect your body, 心, and It can be 5 minutes of deep breathing, 日志记录, 喝一杯可可, 给朋友打电话, anything that makes you happy. Know that self-care is also hard stuff too.
  15. 培养快乐 – find what lights you up and DO THAT!
  16. Remember that your body is an instrument, not an ornament – 经常重复. 你的身体容纳着你的灵魂,是你穿越世界的交通工具.
  17. Create a gratitude journal for the functionality of your body – Write down the ways your body shows up for you every
  18. Stay appropriately hydrated – When we are working to discern our hunger and fullness cues, 我们想要保持适当的水合作用,以便清楚地知道我们的身体需要什么.
  19. 处理情绪-认识到什么时候饥饿不是生理驱动的,并努力“喂养”自己的身体, 心灵和头脑真正需要.


  • 应该做的事
    • Do listen compassionately and non-judgmentally.
    • Do offer to help connect them to additional support systems like CAPS or Health Center.
    • 一定要为他们祈祷. Pray for compassion, patience, and understanding for yourself. It’s important to remember your role as a loving and compassionate listener, and not someone who needs to fix or solve anything for them.
  • 不要的
    • 不要成为食物警察,或者解决他们的食物选择,或者鼓励他们多吃. 这只会让他们固守这些行为,或者变得有戒心.
    • 不要通过评论体重/体型来表达关注,而是你注意到的其他变化.

What if these suggestions don’t work?

学生生活办公室和心理咨询服务(CAPS)可以帮助你在校内或校外获得专业帮助. 除了校园牧师办公室的工作人员提供的支持外,校园还提供个人咨询, 学生生活 and Residence Life. 

If you need immediate assistance, 请拨打911, 电话:(805)565-6273或Westmont Public Safety电话(805)565-6222.

On- and Off-Campus Support

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - westmont.Edu/caps - (805) 565-6003

Campus Pastor’s Office: Clark B Cottage, (805) 565-6170








信息改编自Jennifer Gaudiani的《ag娱乐官网》

What Happens to Our Bodies When We Starve Them?

When our brain senses famine - give it lack of availability of food, or intentional efforts to reduce intake, there is a cascade of events that often occurs.

Parts of our brain that control day-to-day functions such as 消化, 心率, 温度, and reproductive hormones become alerted.  我们的新陈代谢速度减慢,这是我们的大脑和身体不顾一切地试图保存能量.  Our 心率 and 消化 slows, 我们的血压下降, blood flow to hands and feet are reduced, which all work to decrease our energy level.  这是我们的身体让我们“保持静止”并保存能量的方式,直到饥荒消退.  All of this has obvious impacts on your ability to think, 集中注意力, and meet your academic and social obligations as a college student.


Every body responds differently to inadequate energy intake.  如果我们找三个年龄和体型相近的人减少他们的能量摄入, 这三个人对限制会有完全不同的生理反应.  One person might have a slowed 心率, 但是正常体重, 消化, 能量水平, while another experiences normal 心率 and slowed 消化.  Some people might lose weight, and some lose no weight at all.  我们的基因决定了我们的身体在饥荒时期的反应(和恢复力)——这就是为什么那些患有严重饮食失调并伴有潜在医学并发症的人,尽管饥饿在体内产生了危险的影响,但他们可能会继续“看起来正常”.


A malnourished brain is constantly scanning the environment for threats.  限制会使我们的思维和行为方式更加焦虑、警惕和僵化.  饥饿的大脑以饥荒的形式在环境中记录威胁, and almost always becomes an anxious, 关注, 不知所措的大脑.  Restriction and starvation almost always results in sleep disturbances. When your brain is on high alert, getting into a space of calm, 休息, and relaxation can be nearly impossible at times.  情绪失调, 抑郁症, 绝望, 绝望, becoming socially withdrawn, 对食物的强迫性思考通常都是限制的结果. 


Regardless of weight, purging can make a person dangerously ill.  Because physiological changes occur so rapidly, a person can wake up 'healthy' in the morning, and have life threatening complications by the afternoon.  这是由于电解质水平、钾和水合状态的突然变化.  The body simply can not adapt quickly enough.  Life threatening complications happen swiftly and without warning.  并发症的增加可能来自于患者或他们的医疗团队对体重的偏见,并没有把患者视为“病得很重”,因为患有贪食症或过度排便的人通常也会落入“正常”的体重范围.