快速帮助指南 抑郁症


Everyone has ups and downs, down days, and an occasional bout of sadness. 抑郁症, however, can be a persistent experience that affects how you feel, think, and behave. 它会对你的身体健康和外表产生负面影响, 学业成绩, 社会活动, 精神上的幸福, 以及处理日常压力和决策的能力.

When depression persists over a few weeks or more, sometimes we cannot simply “snap out of it.” The good news is that deliberately taking time to manage our mental health (e.g.、应对策略、自我照顾、自我同情等.)是改善情绪的一个很有帮助的步骤. 当这些策略还不够时, counseling and/or medication are effective options in decreasing depressed mood.


  • 情绪:持续的悲伤、焦虑或“空虚”的情绪
  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, shame, or worthlessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed
  • 能量下降,疲劳
  • 难以集中注意力、记忆或做决定
  • 失眠或睡过头
  • 食欲和/或体重变化
  • Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
  • 烦躁不安、易怒
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, 包括头痛, 消化系统疾病, 慢性疼痛



  • Actively approach how you manage the negative thoughts that come with depressed moods. Sometimes we feel down, but negative thought processes can make it much worse.
    • 抑郁症 “tells” you to give up, avoid people, stay in your room, 等. 等. 当我们“听”到这些的时候,我们感觉更糟. 注意这些消息并积极行动起来.
      • 即使你不喜欢,也要积极主动. 锻炼,花时间和别人在一起,避免逃避. 
    • 抑郁症 can grow off of recurring negative thinking patterns in our head. 工作 放手 of unhelpful negative thoughts, which are very common with depression.
      • 注意诸如“没人在乎”之类的信息,“我不能这么做。,“这毫无意义。,“没希望了。,“我糟透了。”,”等.  
      • 反应现实. “这很难。, 有时我觉得自己不够好, 但我会继续前进, 应对困难.”
    • 在这个过程中要有耐心. 有时可能需要一段时间才能开始感觉好起来.
  • 监控你的压力和焦虑水平
    • 对生活中压力源的持续焦虑.g.,班级,朋友,未来等等.)会让生活变得不堪重负、疲惫不堪. 如果你感到沮丧和焦虑, read the handout on 焦虑 (available through Counseling Center and 学生生活 websites).
    • 你工作过度吗?? Have you cut out life-enriching activities, like time with friends, rest, and exercise? Consider lightening your course load or co-curricular involvement.
    • Are you overwhelmed, feeling like you can never accomplish everything you have to do? Break large tasks into small ones and take things one step (or day) at a time.
  • 向他人伸出援手
    • 花时间和别人在一起可以分散自己的注意力
    • Confide in one or two people you trust; avoid being alone or secretive.
  • 向当地教会伸出援手. Many have lay counseling/caring ministries or specialized ministries through small groups relating to depression. Ask if these are available at the church you attend and get involved.照顾好你的身体:
    • Eating a well-balanced diet—even if you don’t feel like eating.
    • Establishing a regular exercise routine—30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week is sufficient.
    • Getting adequate amounts of rest—seven to eight hours of sleep is recommended, 试着每天在同一时间睡觉和起床.
  • 倚靠你对基督的信心:
    • 倾听安慰, 鼓舞人心的音乐或敬拜音乐, which can help remind you of God’s goodness and pull your focus off of the present difficulty.
    • 默想经文. They may not supernaturally make your depression disappear, but they can bring comfort.
    • 读经论忧伤, 悲伤和失落, such as Laments from the Psalms (Google Search if unfamiliar with these).
  • 如果你想结束自己的生命, reach out to your RD or request an appointment from the Counseling Center by going to their website. If you feel you are in danger of ending your life, please call:
    • 24小时随叫随到,电话:(805)565-6273
    • 韦斯特蒙特公共安全电话(805)565-6222
    • 911
    • 预防自杀热线800 273 TALK
    • 给危机短信热线74174发个短信


  • Speak with your friend directly, and it may help to use this framework as a guide:
    • 我关心你
    • 我知道你一直在挣扎
    • 我很担心你
    • 我想陪在你身边
    • 当你挣扎的时候,我会和你谈谈, 帮你报名参加心理咨询, 周末带你走出房间, 等.
  • When speaking with a friend, do not forget to listen carefully
  • 邀请你的朋友去散步, 看电影, 参加体育比赛, 或者出去参加另一项社交活动. 温柔而执着.
  • Encourage participation in activities you know your friend once liked—hobbies, 体育, 教会活动, 等.——但不要强迫你的朋友过早承担太多事情.
  • Help your friend make an appointment and/or accompany him or her to the counseling or doctor’s appointment.
  • Encourage your friend to stay with treatment (counseling sessions, 服药, making recommended lifestyle changes) until symptoms begin to decrease (several weeks), 或寻求不同的治疗,如果没有改善.
  • 咨询服务处的工作人员, 学生生活, 校园牧师办公室, 住宿生活可以提供帮助.
  • 不要做的事情:
    • Do not suggest that he or she is sinful or unspiritual for experiencing depression, 焦虑, 或愤怒.
    • 不要批评. Those suffering from depression are often overly critical of themselves already.
    • Do not accuse him or her of laziness or faking illness and do not expect him or her to “snap out of it.”

不要忽视ag娱乐官网自杀的言论. 问问你的朋友他/她是否有自杀的想法. 让你的RD知道这次谈话. 如有紧急情况,请致电电话热线565- 6273


If you are experiencing depressive episodes frequently (daily to several times a week) and/or they’re lasting for weeks at a time, 考虑寻求专业帮助. Consult a professional immediately if you’re having serious thoughts about ending your life. Individual counseling is available on campus at the Counseling Center and support is available through staff in 学生生活, 校园部门, 和居住生活.

如果你需要紧急援助, 请拨打911, the On Call RD at (805) 565-6273 or 韦斯特蒙特公共安全电话(805)565-6222.



学生生活办公室:Kerrwood Hall 209室,(805)565 -6028

咨询和心理服务(CAPS) - westmont.Edu/caps - (805) 565-6003


Health Center: Health and Counseling Center (lower campus), (805) 565-6164



SAFTY: Safe Alternatives for Treating Youth 24/7 Hotline 888-334-2777. 安全热线由Casa Pacifica提供, 这是圣巴巴拉的一个非营利性ag娱乐官网服务机构. SAFTY has a mobile crisis team, and will help create a safty plan. 这项服务是为20岁以下的学生提供的.

CARES: Crisis and Recovery Emergency Services 24/7 Hotline 888-868-1649. CARES is a Santa Barbara County Mental Health hotline providing crisis intervention and consultation services. CARES is also a mobile mental health assessment team that will come on site to do an assessment if 911 is called for a mental health emergency. 白天办公电话是888-334-2777.

Cottage Hospital 24-hour walk-in Emergency Psychiatric Service: Consultation and crisis intervention for mental health crises and chemical dependency. 咨询电话:805-569-8339.

24 Hour Local and National Non-Emergency (non-911) Crisis Hotlines: 圣巴巴拉县危机热线:211.



应对抑郁症 作者:谭向阳,小约翰·奥特伯格.


I Don’t Want to Talk ag娱乐官网 It: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male 抑郁症 特伦斯·雷亚尔

揭开男性抑郁症的面纱 作者:Archibald D. 哈特

Recognizing the root causes to problems behaviors such as anger, 沉默, 上瘾性冲动

夜幕降临:理解自杀 Kay Redfield Jamison著

抑郁症认知行为手册 威廉·克劳斯和阿尔伯特·埃利斯的作品

从抑郁中走出来 伦纳德·卡默

A psychiatrist explains how to recognize serious depression and what to do about it

《ag娱乐官网》作者:David D. 伯恩斯


幸福是一种选择 作者:Frank B. Minirth和Paul C. 迈耶



神必给你力量:以赛亚书40:29-31 & 41:10; Psalm 18:1-19

神必赐平安给你们。约翰福音14:27 & 16:33





神给你盼望:诗篇42篇 & 62:5-8